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Tradeshow Support

Storing materials and assets, keeping track of trade show schedules, and managing shipments can be a huge, and often failure-prone, administrative burden. But Northwest Fulfillment's B2B technology platform has web-based processes that allow you to handle scheduling, provisioning, and management with just a few mouse clicks.

Store your elements in our climate-controlled warehouse — including collateral, signage, even smaller "tabletop" booths or pop-up booths — and then use our web-based systems to proactively schedule assembly, collation and shipping. You'll save time and expense, while ensuring proper delivery of correct elements and lowest-possible shipping costs.

And when last-minute requests pop up, our responsive service allows us to respond swiftly. For example, one customer called at 9:30 am in the morning to request a critical piece of inventory they had forgotten to ship. We put the item on a plane and coordinated expedited courier delivery from the airport to the tradeshow. Less than four hours after the call, they had what they needed for a successful show.

Typical trade show support activities we handle for you:

  • Maintain display inventory
  • Manage graphics, signage and other booth components
  • Online management of booth schedule for multiple users
  • Maintenance and repair: clean booth after each use, launder table covers, identify missing components, repair damaged parts, graphics, etc.
  • Prep booth for shipping, replacing consumables like collateral, premiums, cleaning supplies, etc.
  • Ship all of your collateral, merchandising, product samples, etc. with your booth so there is less chance of the tradeshow management company losing your inventory

© 2025 Northwest Fulfillment Co, LLC  |  3678 E Lanark  |  Meridian, Idaho 83642  |  866-800-7011  |