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Banking & Finance

Northwest Fulfillment's intelligent technology platform is ideal for reducing waste and improving availability of materials / supplies for branch offices of financial institutions with multiple locations.

For example, we were able to deliver remarkable efficiencies for a fast-growing chain of banks in the Intermountain West. Managing over 100 SKU's and fulfilling weekly batch orders, we delivered significant benefits, including proactive reporting to keep corporate personnel up to speed on status:

  • Eliminated the need for storage at headquarters, freeing up valuable square footage for more profitable activities
  • Sharply reduced the storage requirements at each branch, where space is at a premium
  • Reduced average inventory on hand from 800 months to an average of 10 months, saving thousands in overhead and carrying costs
  • Avoided out-of-stocks and minimized waste caused by the disposal of outdated collateral

Marketing Programs: We develop websites, online workflows, and up-to-the-minute reporting systems that provide your team with the tools and data they need to drive results.

Sales Materials/Sales Support: Leading-edge technology platform enables us to offer “just-in-time” fulfillment of printed materials to reduce overhead costs and minimize project management time.

Kitting, Collations & Assembly: Innovative systems ensure accuracy with multiple audit points, weight verification, and random inspections based on ISO guidelines.

Warehousing & Inventory: Climate-controlled, 14,000 square foot facility features high-tech capabilities like automated UPC barcoding to streamline operations and maximize precision.

Shipping: Advanced systems evaluate numerous shipping options to optimally balance costs, delivery times and capacity.

The bottom line? You can grow your revenues more rapidly while spending less time managing fulfillment activities.

© 2025 Northwest Fulfillment Co, LLC  |  3678 E Lanark  |  Meridian, Idaho 83642  |  866-800-7011  |